bdo nouver vs kutum

Further Kutum also drops Latent Aura’s, Black Stones, Crystal’s, Silver and Hunter Seals. The discussions and experiments made in search of the best gear sets has and will likely never stopped. Plus, 271 or over AP is impossible to reach with a Kutum off-hand. I really don´t know which class could benefit of the Full AP of Nouver. Aug 19 Tansie ap, awakening, bd foundry, bdfoundry, BDO, black, black desert, black desert foundry, black desert online, bracket, calculator, caphras, damage reduction, dp, game, gear, guide, how to, Kutum, kutum vs nouver, nouver, pve, pvp, table, TET. According to old records, Ancient Kutum used to live inside the Scarlet Sand Chamber. When someone asks “Nouver or Kutum?”, the answer will be “whichever you get first.”. 3rd March 2017 in Black Desert Online - News: Black Desert Online – One Year BDO Census 23rd February 2017 in Albion Online - News: Albion Online – Next Wipe and Official Release Date 17th February 2017 in News: Path of Exile – Legacy League (2.6.0) 31st January 2017 in News: Humble Bundle – X-COM: UFO Defense For Free! (Playback ID: VRT9t3Qa54w7zBCV) Learn More. Kutum vs Nouver. Agreeing to kutum nouver notification about the appearance of pages a higher than. One thing I think you could add was that for classes who have Pure AP off-hands, Nouver did not seem like a big upgrade as it does not have +1 Special Attack Damage. Option 3 – Nouver. Home; About Us; Services; Referrals; Contact Before patch they were really close. Aug 19 Tansie ap, awakening, bd foundry, bdfoundry, BDO, black, black desert, black desert foundry, black desert online, bracket, calculator, caphras, damage reduction, dp, game, gear, guide, how to, Kutum, kutum vs nouver, nouver, pve, pvp, table, TET . Nouver’s spirit indwells this shield. And till 265 Nouver AP you should even consider sticking to Kutum (more DP and Acc, just 2 AP less) and as soon as you hit 261 with Kutum it's better again. Total profit per box and (mastery bonus) Mats found on market at refresh time. In conclusion, in KR there is no right answer to the question “Nouver or Kutum.” As such, this post was written not to give you an answer to the above question, but to help you choose your boss off-hand by giving you the history of the two boss off-hands. Caphras Stones are used in BDO as a safe form of gear Enhancement. Boss spawn schedule available for EU, JP, KR, MENA, NA, RU, SA, SEA, TW AND TW servers. 0. Once again, Nouver's lack of the Special Attack Damage +1 trait hurts its competitiveness with other offensive options. More and more players ran multiple experiments and admitted that Kutum is better in PvE, and that opinion was accepted as truth. Nouver is located southeast of sand grain bazaar. Then it makes sense to use Kutum for extra DP in the current meta. All Items. The damage on this is not consistent and is more akin to burst unless you get ur accuracy from other sources. Was it Accuracy that made Kutum so much stronger than Nouver? But a few months later, the hidden options were revealed and players could see exactly why. Juan “Hungrybox” Debiema and his nerves of steel. Then, a new World Boss spawned in the west of the Valencia Desert. Since i practically have DUO or TRI Ultimate sub weapons for my 3 mains: Valkyrie (Vangertz ), DK (Saiyer and Kutum) and Tamer (Rosar). Sealed Book of Combat (1 Day) Ogre Ring. PS. 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Can someone give me advice ? Maya Higa uses Twitch to raise money for her various conservation efforts. Nouver and Kutum are both boss off-hands, but the fight over which one is better has been on and off throughout the game’s run. His harder to reach location makes him less popular than the others. The history of ups and downs for Nouver and Kutum is now over, and both off-hands are just as popular. Copy link. Nouver, World Boss, Black Desert Online (image by @MotherOfHarlots) A massive dragon and in my opinion the current coolest boss in BDO. Main Category. Nouver is a little bit more popular for players whose AP is over 250, or even over 280. Is maybe Nouver more appropriate for PVE or PVP (if evasion is correctly stacked) ? Spec PvE Easy Aakman Hystria Star's End Sycraia PvE Hard Avg. Let's take a look at some of the more notable reactions and how they've advanced the discussion around LCS imports and North American talent development. Nouver vs Kutum(PvP): Nouver is typically used till about 220-230 AP in PvP. Kutum vs Nouver There has always been a debate as to whether Kutum or Nouver is better for your class. Qu'elle est la meilleure quand on a le cul entre deux chaises PvE/P ? They are: 1. Nobody wanted to use Kutum, which had a lower AP than Nouver. But as time went by and players ran more experiments, Kutum slowly but clearly began to threaten the reign of Nouver. Boss spawn schedule available for EU, JP, KR, MENA, NA, RU, SA, SEA, TW AND TW servers. Not very many people hunt him these days so it might be empty when you go there. Great article to finally explain the difference! If you don’t have a Kutum, it’s actually worth noting that a pure AP off-hand will outperform a Nouver while grinding, as they have a special effect that the boss sub-weapons lack. Share. Nouver might be on the same PVE damage if you stack ACC (behg kaza … Witamy; Aktualności. He is a big dragon walking around in the desert, so it is pretty easy to spot him. Things get a little more complicated when it comes to BDO PvP, as all five of the aforementioned sub-weapons have their niches. As the importance of AP increased, the demand for Nouver started to rise as well. So at first glance, Kutum might look like the defensive off-hand of choice, with Kutum being the more offensive option, but it’s not quite that simple. Synowie Maryi. Nouver – PvP Sub-Weapon. Back then, the hidden options were not an issue at all and a majority of players preferred AP over DP. Peter “. Historia; Nasz Założyciel I'll explain what Special Attack Damage +1 means in the next section, but just know that it will more than compensate for the slight loss in AP while grinding. Once you reach 261 AP with Nouver, you will want to stop using Kutum for PVE however, until you reach 265 AP with Kutum. The update was big enough to shift the meta once again. Total profit per box and (mastery bonus) Mats found on market at refresh time. Nouver has it uses in large scale PVP where you not trying to land grabs or knock down but do damage instead. If your AP with nouver is 273+ (I.e. Kutum vs Nouver BDO So at first glance, Kutum might look like the defensive off-hand of choice, with Kutum being the more offensive option, but it’s not quite that simple. You want your AP roughly within 50-60 of your opponents DP. Kutum vs. Novuer Calculator - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (.xls / .xlsx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Another game-changing update arrived in the KR server first, and then later in the NA/EU server. For starters, like Kzarka and Dandelion, Kutum and Nouver sub-weapons are yellow, boss-grade equipment, making your off-hand the only weapon slot with two boss options. Still, you won't be able to take advantage of your strengthened Special Attacks if you can't land a CC in the first place. Boss spawn schedule available for EU, JP, KR, MENA, NA, RU, SA, SEA, TW AND TW servers. Nouver’s powerful aura is like a immovable mountain. After the big revelation, the demand for Kutum rapidly increased while the demand for Nouver plunged. Items; Central Market; Map; Nodes; Houses; NPCs; Monsters; Items. However, if you're not running a dedicated evasion build but still want more bulk, then you're better off using a more DR-oriented sub-weapon -- as you might have guessed, Kutum is the best choice here. - Updated Skill calculator. If you still want to deal more damage even if the amount is only slightly bigger, you can choose Nouver. The update that started a new meta was the additional damage for characters with 251-270 AP and 271-300 AP. Requirement starts from 235 AP with TET Kutum. Information is provided 'as is' and solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes or advice. Nouver non ?Merci d'avance. Failstack Chart Bdo 2018. unless you are even mh and awakening ap? Nouver is located southeast of sand grain bazaar. Location 261+ with Kutum), Kutum becomes the clear winner again. When the grand desert of Valencia was added and World Boss Nouver came out, the Nouver off-hand was the one that everyone was hungry for. Weapons and Gear that are TRI to PEN can have up to 20 Caphras levels. Agreeing to kutum nouver notification about the appearance of pages a higher than. The debate about which one is the best among the same type of gear has been an ongoing subject since the release of Black Desert Online. Then it makes sense to use Kutum for extra DP in the current meta. Tap to unmute. The loot for nouver and kutum is exactly the same drop-rate and everything, except nouver drops the nouver sub-weapon box instead of kutum. Basilisk's Belt. There were some items like Ultimate Vangertz Shield that had high Accuracy and additional Special Attack damage, but Nouver was always the final winner. 0. - Fuser Gameplay Video after 3 days. Kutum l'est-il pour le PvP ? They start at 0 level and gain experience towards the next level by feeding them Caphras Stones. "They played my song?!" Mr Deap. Nouver is good at raw AP vs things like block or damage reduction where straight numbers matter. Area Agris Loot Scroll 241-260 Kutum / 253-272 Nouver 261-270 Kutum / 273-284 Nouver 273-280 Kutum / 285-290 Nouver 281+ Kutum / 293+ Nouver; Aakman: No Black Desert Online - Kutum vs & period; Nouver vs & period; Otras sub-armas Juegos 2021 Cada clae en Black Deert en línea olo tiene una opción de mejor en la ranura para u arma de mano principal y Depertar (Kzarka y Dandelion, repectivamente), in pregunta. Boss spawn schedule available for EU, JP, KR, MENA, NA, RU, SA, SEA, TW AND TW servers. Main Category . Watch later. It exudes Kutum’s fiery energy.

Sub-Weapon . The item heals the character for 5000 HP over 30 sec. Here is why she loves animals so much. Track and get notified of world bosses in Black Desert Online using our boss timer. It's not just a question of Kutum vs. Nouver -- there are actually three other sub-weapons that can compete with them. The item is a poem written to commemorate the heroes who together defended the world.

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